Friday, September 19, 2008

News on District 21 Conf and Betty Carr of Galveston Bay

Please see the not below from Commander Jean about our conference, with some other news from Bill and Betty Carr.


The Hilton has not cancelled our conference as of 10 minutes ago.
Charlie is still in discussion with them - they are capable of providing
the facilities in our contract and we are discussing the situation with
them. Many D21 members are putting out information that is not correct
regarding the Hilton and the conference. I\'ve requested everyone please
wait and be patient until there is official word from me as to whether
or not the conference will go forward. We may not have an option to
cancel if the Hilton can provide what we need. Had it been scheduled
last weekend or this weekend, it would be different. We are hoping they
will be satisfied with the room nights being utilized now by FEMI, SUCH
and the media - I think they are stalling to determine how long those
folks will be paying!

Should the Hilton cancel, we will not reschedule. Plans are to hold
some \"virtual\" meetings by email to accomplish necessary business and
satisfy the bylaws.

Shirley has been posting the word we have on everyone on the SUPS Storm
Central page - that is a good place to go for information on everyone.
I\'ve copied her on this so D21 will know how you are.

I\'ll head back to Houston Saturday or Sunday. We now have power at my
condo, and the cooling towers repaired so we have A/C. There is still
an issue with gas stations in the area having power. Jo Lee and Bill
Haddock who live just a couple of blocks away still are in the dark.

-----Original Message-----
From: Betty Carr []
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 10:13 AM
To: Hamilton, Jean
Subject: District Conference

Dear Jean:
How are you doing after the storm and all? Many of our members have
suffered water damage and several lost their boats. I know that we are
npt able to have the conference at the Hilton but I was wondering if we
are still planning to have it at all. I have moved our boat over to
Southshore for about 6 to 8 months. Our marina was totaled. Anuway it
appears that Southshore is up and running. Their damage appears to be
minor. We do not have power and probably won\'t for another week or two.
If there is anything that I can do please let me know. Talk to you soon.
Sent from my BlackBerry(r) wireless device

D/Lt/C Shirley Heald, AP
District 21 Executive Officer

Shirley D. Heald on 9/19/2008 11:20 AM