Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More Lake Charles news from Ike survivors!

Please see the below updates from Cdr Ben Garber in Lake Charles and other Lake Charles members reporting in:

Just a quick note to update everyone on our situation. LCPS HELP is getting organized. We have received several offers of many types of assistance and also spoken with several of our members that need assistance. Please continue to communicate with us and let us know if you need anything or can help in any way. Trisha\'s contact information is listed below.

Trisha Garber
526-6434 (cell phone)

Harvey has reported that the Anchorage is fine. We have some cleaning to do but there are no major losses to report. We do need your help for a cleanup party on Saturday at 9 AM. We should be finished by noon so please come to the Anchorage and help us clean up the downstairs. Harvey says he has everything we need but need a group of people to help in the cleanup.

Here are a few stories that I know about from some of our members ......

Ron & Songa Gremillion\'s boat is on a levee near their home on Pleasure Island. Ron said it was damaged but the cabin appears to be in tact. Their entire area was hit very hard. They were working on access to the neighborhood and eventually their home which was flooded on the lower level.

Capt. Jodie is working out of Venice but heard his boat was found on land in Kemah. She had a hole in the hull so probably had a rough ride. LH\'s boat was also in Kemah but rode the storm on a floating dock without too much damage

Alvin Touchet also had his boat at South Shore Harbor. Apparently floating docks were the key to survival because he just go back from his boat and did not have a scratch on it.

Stan & Joyce Chapman had water in their home again. Stan was just about finished on all of his home improvements since the last storm. He had a few volunteers help pull carpet, sheet rock and furniture out yesterday. They plan to live on their boat while they repair their home. I hope the apple tree I gave him last year survives!

John & Joyce Stubblefield also had a lot of water in their home. I might be one of the few people that saw their home when it was finally finished since the Rita repairs. We all commented on how nice it was to finally be finished with the project and begin enjoying their home and boat in their leisure time. I heard the boat had a few issues during the high water but I do not know the extent of damage.

Glenn and Nancy Rogers also live in the same neighborhood as the Chapman and Stubblefield. They also had their home flooded in Rita and now with Ike. Their boat was in dry storage so it is fine but they have a long road of recovery ahead.

Ken and Diane Wilkinson rode out the storm on their boat. They did loose power but just switched on the generator and faired well during the storm. He had a few visiting boats so kept busy with lines and fenders during the high water. I have not heard about their home but I think it was fine other than access after the storm.

Contraband is still riding high at the Garber dock on the Calcasieu. As I hear the reports from my friends in Galveston, I am so thankful that I brought my boat home last Wednesday. I still have two cars on the Island. I parked them in a parking garage so I hope they made it. Mom & Dad\'s boat was fine in the boathouse. They do not have power but have nothing to complain about compared to the losses that other experienced.

I know there are many more stories and situations with our members. Please let us know if we can help in any way.

Cdr. Ben

And from P/C Chris and Annette McCain:

Had a few broken tree limbs, neighbors tree fell on our fence, Finally got to see Tails It Is at Nalmar, still floating like a champ, Virtually no damage! Heading to the Gremillions in the morning, will meet them in Vinton and spend the day with them. Bringing generator and gas compliments of P/C John Loukas!

P/C Chris

And from Bob Ward
The Ward\'s are all ok. No Damage at home. Minor dock dings to MinDee II. I have a 6.5 KW generator if some one needs to borrow it til their power is restored. Bob Ward

And from Gary Cryer:

Hi Ben,

We fared pretty well on the West Fork, just lost electricity a few days and experienced very high water on the river. Quality Tyme had some moderate scratches from a post and a broken VHS antenna, not bad at all.

If anyone needs an 85 KW generator I have one, let me know where/when to bring it.

Best Regards,


I also talked with D/Lt/C Alice Pippin last night who said she faired very well with no flooding and minimal power outages. Dogs are also ok, however, her significant other\'s house that just got repaired from 30 inches of water in Rita was once again flooded with 4 feet of water.


D/Lt/C Shirley Heald, AP
District 21 Executive Officer

Shirley D. Heald on 9/17/2008 10:19 AM