She is on her way to her parents house in Florida as she had such limited communication abilities in Houston and still no power. As soon as she gets to Florida in a couple of days, she will have Internet access and cell phone access again. She was traveling by car down I-10 when she saw a convoy of power line trucks headed into Houston.
Those must be the Florida Power and Light trucks I read about in the Dallas News coming in to help out.
She had also heard from P/C\'s Deb and Steve Gallington of Houston who had arrived home only to find it unliveable. There had been three feet of water in the house and many downed trees in the yard and on the house.
More later as word comes in. My prayers are that everyone else is safe.
D/Lt/C Shirley Heald, AP
District 21 Executive Officer
Shirley D. Heald on 9/14/2008 9:19 PM