Everyone knows that Super Storm Sandy virtually destroyed the Jersey Shore. Saying this, my 38 foot Sea Ray, Huff n Puff IV survived Sandy. She is located at the Atlantic Highlands municipal harbor on the Jersey Shore just down coast from Union Beach and across the bay from Staten Island, New York. What is most amazing, is other boats on hard stands around my boat were swept away or badly damaged. Some people told me that they saw a bearded guy with a long robe and staff walking away after the water receded, but that's a matter of conjecture.
My wife and I visited Puff as soon as we were permitted assuming the worst. We were astounded that Huff n Puff was just sitting there with only a small scratch on the swim platform. She had a matt of seaweed on her props, dirt on the swim platform, but no visible waterline mark on the hull. The first thing I asked myself was why did Puff survive? All I can say is that since this vessel has a hollow keel, Ozie and his very able yard crew made sure that, per Sea Ray's blocking instruction, all of the boat's stern weight is carried on the chines and not on the keel. Since I am a bit claustrophobic, I have them block it with at least 14 inches under the keel and periodically check that the weight if off the keel blocks. The 14 foot wave that came through the marina carried many boats, sail and power, off their stands or dropped them on their rudders and props. With all of Huff n Puff's weight on the chines, the kinetic time constant of the moving wave did not ove!
rcome the inertial static time constant of the boat's weight on its chines. Huff n Puff is a 1984 vintage boat built like a tank.
I must confess, I have a degree of survivor's guilt.
Tom Kesolits
Holmdel, New Jersey
Thomas J. Kesolits on 1/9/2013 6:32 AM